Dynamic JSON Parsing in GoLang

A Guide Using Empty Interfaces and Struct-Free Approach

4 min readJan 3, 2024

GoLang, known for its simplicity and efficiency, provides powerful tools for working with JSON. While struct-based parsing is common, there are scenarios where the JSON structure is dynamic or unknown. In this guide, we will explore dynamic JSON parsing using empty interfaces in GoLang, offering flexibility without the need for predefined structs.

Introduction to Dynamic JSON Parsing

Dynamic JSON parsing refers to the ability to handle JSON data with varying structures, adapting to different schemas without rigid definitions. This flexibility is crucial when dealing with data sources that may evolve or have unpredictable structures.

GoLang’s empty interface (`interface{}`) provides a versatile solution for dynamic JSON parsing, allowing us to work with arbitrary data types. Additionally, this approach eliminates the need to define structs, making the code adaptable to changing JSON structures.

The Power of Empty Interface in GoLang

In GoLang, the empty interface serves as a wildcard type that can hold values of any type. It allows for the creation of functions or structures that can work with diverse data without knowing the specific type at compile time. This feature is particularly useful in scenarios where JSON structures are dynamic or not predefined.

Let’s delve into an example demonstrating dynamic JSON parsing using an empty interface:

package main

import (

func main() {
// JSON data as a byte slice
jsonData := []byte(`{
"name": "John Doe",
"age": 30,
"city": "New York",
"hasCar": true,
"languages": ["Go", "JavaScript"]

// Parse JSON into an empty interface
var result interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal(jsonData, &result)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error:", err)

// Accessing dynamic JSON fields
dataMap, ok := result.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
fmt.Println("Invalid JSON structure")

// Accessing specific fields
name, nameExists := dataMap["name"].(string)
age, ageExists := dataMap["age"].(float64)
city, cityExists := dataMap["city"].(string)
hasCar, hasCarExists := dataMap["hasCar"].(bool)
languages, languagesExists := dataMap["languages"].([]interface{})

// Displaying parsed data
if nameExists {
fmt.Println("Name:", name)

if ageExists {
fmt.Println("Age:", int(age))

if cityExists {
fmt.Println("City:", city)

if hasCarExists {
fmt.Println("Has Car:", hasCar)

if languagesExists {
for _, lang := range languages {
fmt.Println(" -", lang)

In this example:

- `json.Unmarshal` is used to parse JSON data into an empty interface (`result`).
- Type assertion is employed to convert the empty interface into a map (`dataMap`).
- Specific fields are accessed using type assertions, enabling us to handle dynamic JSON structures.

Advantages of Dynamic JSON Parsing

1. Adaptability to Changes: As JSON structures evolve, the code remains adaptable without the need for constant adjustments to predefined structs.

2. Handling Unknown Structures: In scenarios where the JSON structure is not known beforehand, dynamic parsing provides a viable solution.

3. Reduced Boilerplate Code: The absence of struct definitions results in concise and flexible code, reducing the need for boilerplate structures.

Best Practices for Dynamic JSON Parsing

While dynamic JSON parsing offers flexibility, it comes with considerations. Here are some best practices to enhance your approach:

1. Error Handling:

Ensure robust error handling, especially during type assertions. Unexpected JSON structures or data types can lead to runtime errors.

2. Type Assertions:

Use type assertions judiciously, and verify the existence of fields before accessing them to prevent panics.

3. Documentation:

Document the expected JSON structures or guidelines for those interacting with your code. This documentation becomes crucial in dynamic scenarios.

4. Testing:

Thoroughly test your dynamic JSON parsing code with various JSON structures to ensure its reliability and adaptability.

Real-world Use Cases

Let’s explore real-world scenarios where dynamic JSON parsing without predefined structs proves beneficial.

1. External APIs:

Dynamic parsing allows your code to adapt without requiring frequent updates when working with external APIs that may evolve over time.

2. Data Ingestion:

In data processing pipelines, where incoming JSON structures vary, a dynamic parsing approach proves valuable for handling diverse data formats.

3. Configuration Files:

When loading configuration settings from JSON files, a dynamic approach accommodates changes in the configuration structure without impacting the codebase.


Dynamic JSON parsing in GoLang, using empty interfaces without predefined structs, provides a powerful mechanism for handling JSON data with varying structures. This approach enhances adaptability, reduces boilerplate code, and proves invaluable in scenarios where JSON schemas are dynamic or unknown.

While leveraging the flexibility of empty interfaces, it is crucial to incorporate robust error handling, thoughtful type assertions, and clear documentation. Dynamic JSON parsing shines in use cases involving external APIs, data ingestion, and configuration settings.

As you embrace dynamic JSON parsing in your GoLang projects, consider the balance between flexibility and type safety. With proper practices in place, you can confidently navigate the dynamic landscape of JSON structures in your applications. Happy coding!

