JavaScript Daily Quiz Apr 22 — Apr 28

2 min readApr 29, 2024


Attempt javascript daily quiz to boost your knowledge

Practice coding every day with our JavaScript Daily Quiz that will help you to level up your skills in programming. We prepare tasks for beginners and professionals, so anybody can find a suitable one to solve. The main aim is to make the quizzes more complicated and interesting day by day, that’s why we have developed this approach.

Every question is based on different aspects of JavaScript including syntax, methods or functions used in its libraries like Node.js or jQuery among others; some examples could be closures or asynchronous programming. With such diversity nothing should be boring or too difficult — just try! This way we also want to motivate people not only learn but understand what they are doing while writing code lines themselves. There’s still a lot ahead because new features appear all time long!

I am publishing daily quiz on my telegram channel and my website, please join telegram channel to get quiz everyday.

Quiz — 22 Apr, 2024


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Quiz — 24 Apr, 2024


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Quiz — 28 Apr, 2024


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